Close My Pool Close My Pool Contact Us Below to Schedule Your Pool Closing! New CustomerReturning Customer Customer Information Full Name* is required. Address* is required. City* is required. South CarolinaThis field is required. Zip* is required. Phone* is required. Email* is required. Pool Closing Information Winterize* (Please select two different weeks) —First availableSeptember 01-02September 05-09September 12-16September 19-23September 26-30October 03-07October 10-14October 17-21October 24-28October 31 – November 4November 07-11November 14-18November 21-25November 28 – December 2December 05-09December 12-16December 19-23December 26-30This field is required.First Choice* —First availableSeptember 01-02September 05-09September 12-16September 19-23September 26-30October 03-07October 10-14October 17-21October 24-28October 31 – November 4November 07-11November 14-18November 21-25November 28 – December 2December 05-09December 12-16December 19-23December 26-30This field is required.Second Choice* Prior to your scheduled pool closing, you will need to bring in a water sample and pick up the needed balancers and winter closing kit. I agree to bring in a water sample and pick up the needed chemicals. Do you currently have a winter cover? *I have an automatic cover.I have a mesh or solid safety cover.I have a water bag cover.I have an above ground pool cover with a cable.No, I do not. Where is your cover located? is required. Do you want Buck Stove Pool & Spa to quote you a new cover? *I would like a price on a new safety cover for my inground pool.I would like a price on a new water bag cover for my inground pool.I would like a price on a new cover for my above ground pool.No. I am satisfied with my current cover. My pool size is is required.And does/ does not have a step. Do you want Buck Stove Pool & Spa to clean your filter? *Clean my D.E. filter.Clean my cartridge filter.Change the sand in my sand filter.No. The pool needs to be free of debris before closing. *I will have the pool clear of debris on the agreed upon closing date.I would like Buck Stove Pool & Spa to vacuum and clean my pool when they close it for an extra charge.I understand that the dates i have chosen are not guaranteed.There will be no pets in the pool area on closing day.There will be access to the pump/ filter area. Reminders And / Or Special Instructions For The Technicians: * This field is required. Thank you for your message. It has been sent.There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.